
Insurance Clients Funnel Revealed

Insurance Clients
Here's How I Went From Relying on Networking, Referrals and Cold-Calling To Effortlessly Booking 20-30 Insurance Appointments Every Single Month By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Old, Stale Insurance Agent Model Upside Down 
 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before 
Read The Story Below To Discover The IC3 System
Dear Future IC3 System Owner
From: The laptop of Matt Love
Re: The Only Blueprint You Need To Acquire Constant Clients
Would it surprise you to learn, that I consistently get 20-30 life insurance appointments every month using a stupid simple process revealed in this training?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet 🙂 
so let me prove it to you
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of being in the insurance business for over a decade now. I've made every mistake in the book so you don't have to. Years of trial and error have allowed me to create a process that generates consistent quality clients on a monthly basis. 

Let me give you an example of the results that i've gotten using this process. In the last 14 months, my company has brought in:
• Over 4,000 Leads
• 250 Different families filling out applications to work with us
• Over a million dollars in life insurance premium
• 7 figure premium financed case pending
• Still more pending...

Once I discovered this process, it worked so well and my calendar was so busy, that I actually brought on a couple others to join. I wanted other advisors to experience what I was doing.

So I plugged them in, and one advisor with just over a year of experience under his belt, was able to make over $100k of FYC with this program.

In fact, we got an experienced advisor to join us, and they were able to close over $280k of FYC in just a few months...

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS TRAINING.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

 With that said … let me jump right in and show you...
And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…
The same IC3 system that Insurance Agents from all over the world are now using to get quality leads on demand every month…

...And in turn quality clients faster than ever before...

...All while not having to manually follow up with a single lead...

...And best of all having more freedom to do what they love, whether that be spending time with their families, or growing their business even more
Just Like Ken, Who Recently Started Using the iC3 System And Soon After Was Blown Away At how Easy Creating Your Own System is
"Matt, this is really awesome. What you've done here is unbelievable. 

This is the culmination of stuff I've thought of for 30 years...

And you've broken it down into bite sized pieces so even an old guy like me can learn it."

Not only is this system effective, but it's stupid simple as well. 

And Ken isn’t the only one either…
This Is Joe, Another IC3 Member, Who Joined the system Not Too Long Ago…
Here’s what he had to say inside our private community (which you will get access to as soon as you download the training):

"This just opens up a whole new way of conducting business

And the opportunities seem to be endless..."
Here’s another IC3 System owner who started using these strategies…
Meet Tom Who has been getting Almost 2 Quality Appointments booked every day on auto-pilot
"This is reminds me of fishing on the shore, and watching everyone on the boats catch all the fish… 

I feel like I have a boat and just reeling them in..."
Ken, Joe & Tom are Part of the "new wave" of IC3 system owners who are doing things differently…
And you can BET...

This IC3 system is unlike any system you have heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…
  • ​We don’t focus on buying expensive lists of leads...
  • ​We don't focus on going to networking events, surrounded by other salespeople full of "commission-breath"...
  • ​We don't focus on nagging friends, family or clients in order to find new business
  • ​We don’t focus on cold calling, which is the worst way to position yourself as a professional when trying to sell high-ticket policies
  • ​We don’t focus on constantly posting to social media, hoping to generate enough attention that it brings you valuable clients
In fact: we rarely (if ever) talk to anyone unless they have are qualified and have booked a appointment with us 
Instead We Setup A System That Does All That For Us (On Auto-Pilot)...
Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The IC3 system allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to the insurance business…
  • Not having a consistent pipeline of qualified prospects left me annoyed and disheartened 
  • ​Now I can sit back and relax, knowing that I have a repeatable system that I can rely on to generate dream clients on demand
  • Approaching and pitching to potential clients was draining
  • ​Now I have quality clients putting appointments on my calendar
  • The constant ups and downs when it comes to new business were frustrating and discouraging
  • ​Now I have a repeatable acquisition system to rely on
  • Going to networking events with the sole intention of getting new business made me feel sleazy 
  • ​Now I still go to industry events, the only difference is I'm speaking on stage instead of trying to give out my business card
  • Having to bug family and friends, or even worse, random people over a cold call was embarrassing and left me feeling ashamed
  • Now I have family and friends coming to me for advice
  • Having to give the same presentation 50 times in a month
  • Now 500 people can see a presentation that I gave once
    The IC3 System Allows Me To Dial in exactly how many Clients I wanted in any given month, so I can spend my time doing what I love
    Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’re an agent, then I’m sure you can relate)…

    I call this the “Cycle Of Doom”:
      Step 1 - Insurance Agent receives a potential client lead
      Step 2 - Agent calls and calls to schedule a meeting for a fact-finder
      Step 3 - Agent does illustrations and homework to prepare for the prospect to review
      Step 4 - Agent calls and calls again, to schedule a meeting for the proposal, trying to present a solution
      Step 5 - Client agrees to review a proposal
      Step 6 - Agent presents a conceptual solution to the client
      Step 7 - Agent spends HOURS perfecting a proposal
      Step 8 - Agent meets with client again to present proposal
      Step 9 - Prospect receives proposal
      Step 10 -  Agent wonders why they haven't heard back, it’s been a week since they sent the proposal
      Step 11 - Agent follows up via email
      Step 12 - Prospect deflects with something along the lines of “just need to discuss with my wife"
      Step 13 - Repeat step 8 and 9 a few times
      Step 14 - The whole thing fizzles out, and tens of hours end up being completely wasted, leading nowhere
      Step 15 - Start over
    The Cycle Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me from scaling my business because I was stuck trying to get back in front of prospects. Every advisor in front of me kept repeating the same sentence - "you just gotta see more people"

    To be honest…

    ...I almost gave up on this whole idea of consistent business. I thought this was just "the way things are"...

    ... But before I gave up..

    I wanted to try something.

    Something that - if it worked.

    It would change everything.

    And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

    ... It worked...

    And I spent years turning it into a system...
    And I Put This Entire System Into A Training Called "The IC3 System" And You Can Start Learning In Just A Few Moments From Now…
    But before you do.

    I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

    My name’s Matt Love…

    You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

    My life’s pretty good… I've been in the insurance business for a few years now...

    I run a company called Cash Flow Architects which fills calendars just like this:

    When you are a top life insurance producer, it is no secret that the rewards can be fruitful...
    Setting up a repeatable Acquisition Model is one of the most important skills you need to master if you want to bring in consistent clients
    Just think about it: 
     If you are cold calling or cold emailing a prospect, are you really starting out from a position of strength? No
     Would a potential high-ticket client be at a networking event, if they are already successful? No
     Can you get consistent clients if you don't have a process in place for them to find you? No
     How many of your "dream clients" are out there right now, in need of your services? Thousands
    Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The IC3 System And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?
     Most Insurance Agents "chase clients" - With this system, they come to you
    And The Result Of Using This New Way?

    A constant flow of quality leads into our system...

    The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is Not Setting up a repeatable Acquisition model
    Here’s why:

    The average insurance agent goes through the motions day after day and nothing compounds.

    99% of agents start every year at zero.

    This means they're not leveraging their body of work, social proof, or past successes to find new clients. 

    It also means those new interactions are not starting off on favorable footing. 

    There are two types of agents out there.

    There are the "Prospectors"  and there are "System-builders".

    For my first 5 years - I was a prospector.

    Prospectors are always out there trying to create business out of thin air by doing things like following up on leads, cold calling or attending networking events. 

    They have no social proof, no credibility, no one knows who they are and none of their past work is reflected in the interaction. This is all fine if you have no other option, but it's incredibly inefficient. 

    And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on..
    • Buying expensive lead lists that may or may not produce results
    • Following up with leads that randomly go cold 
    • Posting randomly on social media with no real game plan
    • Going to various networking events surrounded by other salespeople
    All of this requires time and energy.

    These things are not "bad" per se, it's all about the approach. 

    You see...I find that a lot of agents don't have a marketing problem...

    They have a messaging problem.

    If you have a good message, the marketing takes care of itself. 

    In fact, it's easier than ever thanks to technology.

    The problem is most advisors don't understand their actual message...

    And when you try to work with everyone, you work with no one! 

    This is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the IC3 System.
    The solution?
    Use The power of the internet to get your dream client reaching out to you, instead of chasing them
    That's right...

    This system allows me to:

    1. Define my DREAM client
    2. Package my message so that it speaks exactly to my dream client
    3. Use the power of the internet to get THEM to see ME
    4. Get appointments booked straight to my calendar 

    ...Because I'd rather get clients that I actually want to work with contacting me instead of taking shots in the dark chasing "leads" all the time.

    No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.

    So here's the deal...

    ...I explain everything in the IC3 System, it's a digital training that shows you everything you need to know.
    So here's the $963,741 idea behind the IC3 System
    Right now, as you're reading this very page...

    There's a lot of activity happening in the world of insurance sales

    The internet, social media, and AI have changed everything - for everyone.

    Old businesses that have done things that same way forever are being forced to adapt, or lose out to those that do.

    This has created a huge issue for businesses who are living in the past.

    Now, most of these businesses are looking for a new solution...

    And as you may have guessed it - we have it.

    And what's really cool is that this entire solution is actually a better experience for the client too. You are actually speaking to people who are reaching out to you because they are desperate for your services. 
    That's Right - You Only Speak To People Who Are Actually Interested In Your Services Rather Than Spending Hours Every Single Week Chasing Leads, Cold Calling, Sending Emails & giving Presentations.
    And that's where the IC3 System comes in...

    It does this beautifully in 3 easy steps...
    And that’s the difference here. 

    Let's think about the time and energy usage of the average agent.

    The average agent uses a ton of different methods to get business, but never creates a sustainable system with any of them.

    Meaning that they essentially start at square one every time. 

    I’m not saying doing traditional outreach is bad.

    What I’m saying if your goal is to consistently get 20-30 quality appointments every month, traditional outreach might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

    Doing traditional outreach requires you to call and email ALL the leads, then gauge if they are actually interested. That's if you can get them to respond in the first place. 

    The new way just requires you to show up on time for the appointment. 

    And that's why this is different.
    And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Business Model On This System
    You can get consistent insurance appointments every week!
    And once you start using the IC3 system...

    Getting consistent clients isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

    It’s something that will happen naturally if you stick to the system.

    Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 30 days from today.

    Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the IC3 System. 

    That’s when you’ll start seeing your first qualified booking. 

    That’s how easy this is. 

    I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…
    And Just A Few Years Ago… i’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…
    …But, today I know better.


    I don’t care how many cold calls you made…

    How many networking events you've attended...

    How many emails you've sent...

    I promise you this…

    Anyone can dial in the exact number of qualified bookings they want with the right model (more on this below)..

    Ultimately I want you to know one thing..
    If I Can Do This, So Can You!
    Because it's happening right now within our community...

    Here are some recent posts:

    and here's another reason
    you too can do this
    It took me several years to "figure this out"...

    ...and another year to perfect it.

    Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

    I already did all of the hard work for you.

    I figured it all out.

    Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

    You just need to sign up for this training and most important of all - implement it!

    That’s it…
    Here’s The exact 3 Step Process Revealed in the IC3 System For Consistent Clients
      Step 1 - Identify Your DREAM Client - We'll walk you through our stupid-simple process to identify your TAM, Avatar, and Niche. Which is basically just a fancy way of saying that we'll discover exactly which market you should serve, who your ideal prospect is, and what you can help them achieve.
      Step 2 - Package Your Product - How can anyone learn from you now? Can they find you? Hundreds of millions of people use their smartphones every day, just browsing the internet looking for solutions that YOU can actually bring them. But they don't even know you exist. The goal isn't to give 30 presentations a month. The goal is to give 1 presentation, to 300 people!  
      Step 3 - Get In Front Of The Right People - But NOT like you think! I want the RIGHT people to see me. I don't need to spend my time, for people to find my business. If I package my message correctly, I can get my message out to thousands of people, using technology. I don't want to put a billboard on the side of the road where 10,000 people driving by can see it. That doesn't help me. Instead, I allow Google to find my ideal client, and get my in front of them with my message. 
    Those are the 3 steps to pack your calendar full of high-quality appointments.

    All of this is revealed in the hours of content inside the IC3 training in step-by-step detail.

    Making it a counterintuitive approach to quality clients for the agent that seeks a reliable source of new business. 

    And that's not all, becuase...
    here's what else you're going to discover in the IC3 System
      The Theory Of Messaging Vs Marketing - Learn Why All The Marketing In The World Is Useless, Unless Your Messaging Is Correct + How To Perfect Yours
    All Explained In Module 1
      Google/Youtube Ads Masterclass - Get A Behind-The-Scenes Look At How We Run Extremely Profitable Google/Youtube Ads (It's Probably Not What You Think)
    All Explained In Module 3
      Google/Youtube Ad Templates - Get Access To The Exact Templates That We Used To Bring In Over 4,000 Leads In The Last 14 Months
    All Explained In Module 3
     Automating Your Follow Up - Now That Your Getting Appointments On Demand, Discover How To Put Your Follow Up On Auto-Pilot. So You Can Spend More Time On Delivering A Great Service. Never Waste Time On Manual Follow Up Again! 
    All Explained In Module 2
      Email Templates - Now That You Have Your Follow Up On Autopilot, Its Important To Dial In Your Emails. Luckily We Provide You With Our Highest-Converting Templates You Can Simply Copy-And-Paste. Just Fill In The Blanks.
    All Explained In Module 2
      How To Reduce No Shows - Learn Our Secrets To Dramatically Reduce No Shows. 
    All Explained In Module 2
      Transform Prospects Into Paying Customers - Unlock The Secret To Successful Sales With Our Client Journey Method! This Will Revolutionize Your Approach To Sales. Once You Grasp This Crucial Concept, The Path To Success Becomes Simple...
    All Explained In Module 2
      How To Deliver World-Class Service - Learn From The Best In The Business On How To Provide Top-Notch Service That Will Inspire Your Clients To Become Your Biggest Advocates. 
    All Explained In Module 1
    If consistent business is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.
    Plus I'm Going To Give You Our Pre-Built High Converting Appointment Website Template
    You're going to get our HIGHEST-CONVERTING website template.
    And Before You Download The IC3 System…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!
    I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

    And you’re probably wondering:

    “If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

    Here's why I'm doing this...

    I'm literally giving you this entire training, for $27.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

    My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
    But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
    This Won’t Last Long
    The truth is...

    I sold this exact same program in the past for $9,800...

    I launched a beta test group of 10 agents, and showed them the system...

    ...Which was was great, but then I realized hey - this is an online training. 

    It doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.
    By lowering the price to $27.00 it allows me to impact more people and help them crack the code to a repeatable acquisition system
    I consider that at true win/win...

    Also in most cases, I break even when selling the training at this price.

    It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expense to sell one copy.

    So why would I do that?

    Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

    I'm betting that you'll enjoy the training so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. 

    Pretty straightforward.

    Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.
    You're Also Getting My custom Online sales scripts
    I've paid some of the best copywriters in the game to review the copy on my website, to make sure it converts better than anyone else in the industry...

    Now i'm giving you access to that very same copy...

    That's right, just copy and paste our templates that we've tried and tested...

    The best part is all you need to do is fill in the blanks. 

    And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the training.

    Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $3,985

    - Community Access
    - Custom Call Scripts
    - Email Templates

    Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


    Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

    In fact, I think it's ...
    The BEST Money-Back Guarantee 
    In The World

    Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

    I know that before I get into anything…

    …I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

    And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

    And even though it’s only $27.00

    Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

    So here’s what I’ve arranged:

    Access the training, study the content, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

    And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

    Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

    We’ll refund you your $27.00 and let you keep the entire training free of charge.

    How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

    This Offer Expires
    (Save $23.00 today)

    Get Instant Access For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
    Available For Instant Access
    I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you get access to the IC3 System. 

    Until then, to your success,

    P.S. Remember, the IC3 System comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

    Watch It, study it, implement it, get results. 

    And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $27.00.
    Here's What's Included 
      The Theory of Messaging vs Marketing - learn why all the marketing in the world is useless, unless your messaging is correct.   + how to perfect yours
    All Explained In Module 1
      Google/Youtube Ads - Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we run extremely profitable Google/Youtube ads (It's probably not what you think)
    All Explained In Module 3
      Google/Youtube Ad Templates - Get access to the exact templates that we used to bring in over 4,000 leads in the last 14 months 
    All Explained In Module 3
      Automating Your Follow Up - Now that your getting appointments on demand, discover how to put your follow up on auto-pilot. So you can spend more time on delivering a great service. Never waste time on manual follow up again! 
    All Explained In Module 2
      Email Templates - Now that you have your follow up on autopilot, its important to dial in your emails. 
    Luckily we provide you with our highest-converting templates you can simply copy-and-paste. Just fill in the blanks.
    All Explained In Module 2
      How To Reduce No Shows - Learn our secrets to dramatically reduce no shows. 
    All Explained In Module 2
      Transform Prospects into Paying Customers - Unlock the Secret to Successful Sales with Our Client Journey Method! This will revolutionize your approach to sales. Once you grasp this crucial concept, the path to success becomes Simple...
    All Explained In Module 2
      How To Deliver World-Class Service - Learn from the best in the business on how to provide top-notch customer service that will inspire your clients to become your biggest advocates. 
    All Explained In Module 1
    (Save $23.00 today)

    Get Instant Access To The Training For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
    Available For Instant Access
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Who is this for?
    This training is designed for insurance agents who are tired of inconsistent results and want a repeatable client acquisition system.
    What is the IC3 System?
    The IC3 System is a training and a systematic approach to consistently get 20-30 insurance appointments every month. It is not a fad that comes and goes. The IC3 System is a sustainable client acquisition machine, so you don't have to waste time and energy "chasing clients".
    I want this, what exactly am I getting?
    The IC3 System really is special. I poured my heart into this info, to make sure that you don't have to make the same mistakes I did. Instead of spending a decade learning this stuff, I want you to be able to replicate my results THIS MONTH. The goal is to make it so simple and "plug and play" that just about anyone can follow the steps, and get results. What you'll get in this special offer includes the IC3 System training, My GC Call Script, Email Templates, Community Access, Appointment Templates, and even access to our mentorship program! 
    How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
    Generally all the other stuff out there teaches people how to search for clients The IC3 System is different because we don't want you to search for clients, we want clients to come to you. We want you to get high ticket clients on demand, and inside this digital training we give you the exact blueprint for you to build a system to do just that.
    Do you offer more in depth help?
    Yes. Nothing was held back while creating this training, but if you would like to work with my team personally, we do offer opportunities to work with us personally.
    Is there a guarantee?
    Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the training.
    (Save $23.00 today)

    Get Instant Access To The Training For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
    Available For Instant Access
    Included Bonuses

    Pre-Built High-Converting Website Template

    No need to spend thousands of dollars hiring a whole IT team to create your website. We'll give you access to our software so you can get started right away. 

    GC Call Script

    Get access to our "GC Call Script" that shows prospects exactly why they need your help, and has them asking you for it

    Email Templates

    Unleash the power of our email templates - from first contact to client

    Plug-And-Play Website Content

    Not sure what to put on your website? We've got you covered. Just fill in the blanks. 

    Private Community Access

    Join a private network of successful insurance agents - tap into cutting-edge knowledge and stay ahead of the game.
    Video Testimonials
    3 Steps To Get 20-30 Life Insurance Appointments Every Month on Auto-Pilot
    Here's Everything You're Getting 
    For Only $27.00 Today
    Included With Your Order

    The IC3 Academy

    The digital training where you will learn the entire IC3 System one step at a time. We'll walk you through video tutorials of every step of the process. Anyone from beginner to veteran will be able to implement this.
    Included With Your Order

    Pre-Built Website Template

    Why waste thousands of dollars on an entire IT team for your website development when you can have immediate access to our cutting-edge software and start building your dream website right away? Get started now and experience the difference.
    Included With Your Order

    Custom Call Script

    Get access to our "GC Call Script" that shows prospects exactly why they need your help, and has them asking you for it. Nobody likes getting sold to, but we've found a way to talk to the prospect where they realize that they need assistance, and actually ask you for it, instead of you selling them. 
    Included With Your Order

    Email Templates

    Unleash the power of our email templates - from first contact to client. We tested these templates ourself to make sure they convert. Just plug them into the system and watch your responses go up. 
    Included With Your Order

    Plug-And-Play Website Content

    If you're stumped on what to put on your website, have no fear! We've got the solution for you. Just fill in the blanks, it's that easy. 
    Included With Your Order

    Private Community Access

    Join a private network of successful insurance agents - tap in to cutting-edge knowledge and stay ahead of the game. Learn from people actually doing it.
    Learn directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
    Only $50 $27.00 Today
    (Save $23.00 today) Download The Training For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
    “Rich people believe ‘I create my life.’ Poor people believe ‘Life happens to me.'”
    — T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
    DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from T. Harv Eker
    Here's a sneak peek Of What's inside the Training
    “I’m not a self-made millionaire. I’m a team-made millionaire. Other people helped me get there. Nobody does anything great alone.”
    -Ed Mylett
    DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from Ed Mylett
    Get $2,484 of Actionable value!
    (Yours For FREE When You Get The IC3 System)
    The IC3 Academy

    The IC3 Training ($197 Value)

    The digital training where you will learn the entire IC3 System one step at a time. 

    Bonus #1

    Pre-Built High-Converting Website Template ($999 Value)

    No need to spend thousands of dollars hiring a whole IT team to create your website. We'll give you access to our software so you can get started right away. 
    Bonus #2

    Email Templates ($497 Value)

    Get 10+ of our proven ad templates which are proven to deliver high-quality appointments.
    Bonus #3

    Community Access ($97 Value)

    Get access to a community of like-minded business owners.
    Bonus #4

    Custom Call Script ($497)

    Get access to our "GC Call Script" that shows prospects exactly why they need help, and has them asking you for it
    Bonus #5

    Plug-and-play Website Content ($197 Value)

    All you have to do is copy and paste and fill in the blanks.
     Frequently Asked Questions
    I want this, what exactly am I getting?
    The IC3 System really is special. I poured my heart into this info, to make sure that you don't have to make the same mistakes I did. Instead of spending a decade learning this stuff, I want you to be able to replicate my results THIS MONTH. The goal is to make it so simple and "plug and play" that just about anyone can follow the steps, and get results. What you'll get in this special offer includes the IC3 System Training, 10+ of my proven Ad Templates, Email Templates, Community Access, Appointment Templates, and even access to our mentorship program! 
    Do you offer more in depth help?
    Yes. Nothing was held back while creating this training, but if you would like to work with my team personally, we do offer opportunities to work with us personally.
    Who is this for?
    This training is designed for insurance agents who are tired of inconsistent results and want a repeatable client acquisition system.
    What is The IC3 System?
    The IC3 System is a training and a systematic approach to consistently get 20-30 insurance appointments every month. It is not a fad that comes and goes. The IC3 System is a sustainable client acquisition machine, so you don't have to waste time and energy "chasing clients".
    How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
    Generally, all the other stuff out there teaches people how to search for clients The IC3 System is different because we don't want you to search for clients, we want clients to come to you. We want you to get high ticket clients on demand, and inside this digital training we give you the exact blueprint for you to build a system to do just that.
    Is there a guarantee?
    Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the training.
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      Call Us: 615-274-9673
      Email Us: Hello@InsuranceClients.com
      725 Cool Springs Blvd Suite 600, Franklin, TN 37067
    We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

    We are a boutique digital agency based out of Northville, MI. Our specialties include: web design, email marketing, and SEO-focused article creation.